February 22, 2018

The Agee Community Club held its February meeting at Ryan's. Nickey Orton was this month's hostess. Club president Cathy Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the club motto, "When the world is full of love, the world is full of beauty." Jeanie Figgins offered the invocation and read the secretary and treasurer's reports. There was no new or old business. Figgins will be the March hostess...

The Agee Community Club held its February meeting at Ryan's. Nickey Orton was this month's hostess.

Club president Cathy Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the club motto, "When the world is full of love, the world is full of beauty." Jeanie Figgins offered the invocation and read the secretary and treasurer's reports. There was no new or old business. Figgins will be the March hostess.

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Roll call was answered with, "What are you most thankful for?" Devotional was from Job 22:10 and read by Nadine Johnson. Orton read the rest of the devotional from the magazine, "Our Daily Bread". The article was titled, "When questions remain." Each lady read an article from the Black River Times, and Johnson led the ladies in a song that was created from the poem, "I love you a bushel and a peck," and read an article from the Reader's Digest called, "Students say the most creative things." Figgins read a poem in memory of Orel Smith from a book of poetry she wrote titled, "Don't you wish you were a bird?"

Orton gave each lady a box of valentine heart candy as the door prize to all; Womack gave each lady a valentine dish towel. The ladies exchanged magazines. Michael Figgins a guest.

The ladies dismissed by repeating the club collect, "Be still and know that I am God". Psalms 46:10.

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