February 17, 2018

The following individuals have made donations to the Stoddard County Children's Home, Inc. in Memory or in Honor of a loved one. October 2017 Memorials: Amy Nichols in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk Bruce & Karen Dawson in Memory of Limbaugh & Sides...

The following individuals have made donations to the Stoddard County Children's Home, Inc. in Memory or in Honor of a loved one.

October 2017 Memorials:

Amy Nichols in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Bruce & Karen Dawson in Memory of Limbaugh & Sides

Henry & Tammy Sessoms in Memory of Mr. Edgar Leon Brown

Flo Deardorff in Memory of Norvella Kingree

Terra Mouser in Memory of June Coffey

Ronnie & Barbara in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Burley & Leslie McIntyre in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Mike & Rozella Perry in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Fred & Christy Scherer in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Tim & Kim Flowers in Memory of Peggy Polsgrove

John & Shari Cage in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Carol Martin in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Greg Niemczyk in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Clarence & Kay Mattingly in Memory of Jesse Deardorff

R.W. & Randel Richmond in Memory of Georgia Ann Graves

Linda Edwards in Memory of Oma Cagle

Melinda Smith in Memory of Oma Cagle

Butch & Sharon, Sharon Kay, and Mitchell & Mary in Memory of Fred Long

Advance K of C in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

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Kay Wilson in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Charles & Beverly Phillips in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Kent & Tami Rendleman in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Marjorie Thrower in Memory of Genevieve Rowark

Myra & Cecil Weeks in Memory of Leon Brown

November 2017 Memorials:

Robert & Barbara Gregg in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Mary Farmer in Memory of D.W. Wilson

Jackie Asberry in Memory of Jesse Deardorff

Jerry & Carolyn Griffin in Memory of Joyce & Bud Chapman

Kathleen Kandalaft in Memory of Dr. Floyd Northington

Mitchell & Genevieve Wills in Memory of Lorene Walker

Weaver Mini Storage in Memory of Mr. Leo Patrick Niemczyk

Raymond Dickerson in Memory of Ed Ellis

Barbara McGarity-Wyman in Memory of Walter Wyman

Freda H. Montgomery in Memory of Paul E. Montgomery

Aaron McKuin in Memory of Freddie Tanner

Mike & Susie Meese in Memory of Aaron & Rosalee McKuin

Frances Pulliam in Memory of George Edwin Pulliam

J.R. & Norma Lou Williams in Memory of Dwight and Helen Blunt

November 2017 in Honor of:

John & Ruth Pruitt in Honor Mr. Bob Coffey

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