January 23, 2018

KENNETT, Mo. -- The 2018 new year got off to a tragic start for the Kennett Humane Department, according to Humane Officer Tena Petix. On Jan. 2, the humane officers were dispatched to a residence on Baldwin Street, where they discovered a scene that was just too much to bare...

Trina Bell

KENNETT, Mo. -- The 2018 new year got off to a tragic start for the Kennett Humane Department, according to Humane Officer Tena Petix. On Jan. 2, the humane officers were dispatched to a residence on Baldwin Street, where they discovered a scene that was just too much to bare.

Upon arrival, Officer Petix noticed a Beagle puppy that's ribs, hipbones, facial bones and tailbone were visible from afar. "This poor baby was on this huge chain with a C-Clamp attachment, which was so heavy it was causing the chain to cut into the dog's neck," said Petix. "The beagle was in the front side yard with only a crate for shelter," she added.

Officer Petix explained how the crate was a carrying crate, which has holes all around it for ventilation, which was no source of protection or shelter from the elements. "Not only was the makeshift shelter not acceptable but the dogs water bowl had nothing but a mixture of sand and hay on top of a small block of ice," Petix said. "There was absolutely no food anywhere around," she added.

Petix explained how she gently approached the pup in an effort to feed it and try to gain its trust in order to rescue it, when the pup lunged at the food, nearly causing her injuries. "It was just that hungry," Petix said. "After gaining some trust with giving the pup some food, she began to let me pet her," Petix added.

After showing the pup she was not a threat, Officer Petix was able to finally pick the dog up to look closer at the body, where the true extent of the damage was observed.

"In addition to its visible ribs, tail bone, hip bones, and facial bones, I also noticed where the dog had hair loss from the prolonged discomfort of the chain or ring around its neck," said Petix. "It also had sores, scabbing and some healing in some spots," she added.

Petix explained how this is consistent with marks made from an embedded collar or something that has been used as a makeshift collar, which in this case was a log chain with a C-clamp.

But Petix hadn't even experienced the worst of this situation yet. She explained how as she turned to walk to the front door in an attempt to make contact with the puppy's owner she immediately saw a small piece of cloth and another dog leash tied to the porch with tan additional cloth draped over the leash.

"I immediately whistled thinking there was another dog under there and I didn't want to startle it and get attacked," said Petix. "So when I didn't hear anything and noticed there was no movement I reached down to remove the cloth and that is when I saw a very small Chihuahua, hanging by a leash, which had wrapped around its leg," she added.

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Petix explained it appeared the Chihuahua had fallen from the porch, which was approximately 2-feet from the ground.

"That poor baby had fallen off the porch sometime during the night and was hung upside down by the leg preventing it from being able to reach the ground and was dead," said Petix. "That small pup was frozen solid, similar to a chunk of ice," she added.

Petix explained how just the leash around the leg would not have been enough on its own to cause the dog's death even though it would have been painful. But the the temperature the night of January 1, 2018 was 3 degrees with a wind chill of minus 12. "It froze to death while hanging upside down just inches from the ground," Petix said. "It was so awful," she added.

Petix said in addition to the brutality of how this dog suffered such an awful death, once she was able to retrieve the animal and examine it, she learned that it too, was severely malnourished. "The Chihuahua was a very small dog and its ideal weight would be between 7-8-pounds," she said. "This one weighed between 3 and 3 and one-half pounds," she added.

Petix was unable to make contact with the owner at that time. "I went ahead and got the Beagle to Dr. Mobley to be examined," said Petix. "He found it to be severely emaciated and dehydrated," she added.

Petix said Dr. Mobley at Kennett Veterinary Clinic began treatment right away and was able to save it. According to reports with the Kennett Police Department, charges have been filed against Bradford Hill.

Hill has been charged with four separate charges, all a result from crimes against both animals. A court date of January 17, 2018 was issued for his appearance.

The beagle is on court hold and under the care of Kennett Veterinary Clinic. She is not at this time available for adoption or rescue.

"This KHD baby needs all the prayers, well wishes, and good vibes that she can get," said Officer Petix. "Anyone wishing to donate can donate directly for her care by going to kennettvet.com and donate securely via PayPal," she added.

Petix stressed how the KHD and the City of Kennett takes crimes against animals very serious. "The winter weather needs to be taken into consideration when animals are in outdoor elements," she said. "If you are cold then they are cold, or if you see an animal you suspect needs help, please contact the local authorities and report it. "We are their voice and they depend on the good guys to protect them," she added.

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