The Butler County unit of the Missouri Retired teachers met Dec. 20 in the Altrusa Room at Twin Towers.
President James Barnhill called the meeting to order then led the group in a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Barnhill then introduced Jenna Whitworth, a music therapist living in Poplar Bluff. She explained music therapy and how it can be used to help students succeed. She led the group in singing Christmas songs while demonstrating how different skills can be taught and encouraged with musical implements. She explained music therapy can also be helpful for people in nursing homes.
October minutes were accepted as read. Ruth Marler presented the treasurer's report and it was accepted as presented. Linda Surber shared information about the COLA for retired teachers in 2018. Retired teachers will receive a 1.63 percent COLA thanks largely to the intensive efforts of members of the Missouri Retired Teachers Association. She also stated Jason Smith is proposing legislation which would help with the Windfall Provision at the federal level. She encouraged all retired teachers to participate in MRTA Legislative Day Feb. 13, 2018. Retired teachers who cannot attend at the capital are encouraged to email or phone representatives on that day. Legislative issues are available on the MRTA website.
Barnhill reminded the group Butler County will be hosting the Region 12 Annual Meeting in October of 2018. A committee has been appointed to plan for that event. Finally, he encouraged all retired teachers and school personnel to become involved with MRTA at the local as well as state level.
The meeting ended with a white elephant gift exchange. Marler led the group in a fun game.
The next meeting is Feb. 17 with the unit meeting at 10 a.m. in the Altrusa Room at Twin Towers. Surber will provide a information on the community wide reading program The Book in the Bluff. All retired teachers and retired school personnel are welcome to attend.