December 19, 2017

The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education will ask voters to raise their operating tax levy to fund a new high school and help pay for improvements completed over the summer. In a 4-3 vote, Proposition K.I.D.S. (Keep Improving District Schools) will appear on the April ballot. Board members Billy Watson, Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher and David Dugger voted against placing the question on the ballot...

The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education will ask voters to raise their operating tax levy to fund a new high school and help pay for improvements completed over the summer.

In a 4-3 vote, Proposition K.I.D.S. (Keep Improving District Schools) will appear on the April ballot. Board members Billy Watson, Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher and David Dugger voted against placing the question on the ballot.

The ballot language will read, "Shall the Board of Education of the Twin Rivers R-X School District, Mo., be authorized to increase the operating tax levy ceiling to $4.1779 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation through Tax Year 2037 in order to provide funds for the site development, construction, equipping and furnishing of a new high school; to complete other renovations, remodeling and repair improvements to existing facilities; and to meet the additional operating needs of the District?"

If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating levy of the district is estimated to increase by $1.1500 from $3.0279, currently, to $4.1779 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the 2018 tax year and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter through tax year 2037.

Board President Lee Lewis said while the board is diverse and has their own opinions on the project, the public will have the final vote.

"We are giving it to the public to let them decide," Lewis said. "We are not deciding."

Butler County Collector Emily Parks was on hand to break down what the increased operating tax levy could mean for the taxpayers.

When looking at a $1.15 increase, Parks said the assessed value on a person's tax bill would be multiplied by .0115," Parks said. "That is how much a taxpayers bill will increase annually if this passes."

Parks was also able to provide the board with some example numbers to put dollar figures in mind.

According to Parks, the average 40 acre piece of farm ground in the county is assessed at $4,080. To figure the annual increase if the operating tax levy were to increase, 4080 would be multiplied by .0115 and the tax payer would see an annual tax increase of $46.92.

The average house in Qulin city limits has an assessed value of $5,670, Parks said. A $65.21 annual increase would be seen by the tax payer after multiplying 5670 by .0115.

Homes in Fisk average an assessed value of $5,250 and Parks said after multiplying 5250 by .0115 a $59.23 annual increase would be seen by the taxpayer.

Business owners in Qulin city limits have an average assessed value of $34,720 for their commercial buildings. After multiplying 34,720 by .0115, the business owner would see an annual tax increase of $399.28.

Municipal bond underwriting company L.J. Hart & Company will be providing underwriting services to the district for financing the school building construction and other improvements with $9 million in lease certificates of participation.

L.J. Hart & Company President Tom Pisarkiewicz said the proposed $1.15 tax levy increase is enough to cover the high end cost of a new high school at $9 million and still sufficient to provide payments for the district-wide improvements this past summer.

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If the lease purchase is paid off early, the board can vote to roll the tax levy rate back to the $3.0279.

By a 4-3 vote, the board selected Ron Gorjean of Gorjean Architects in Cape Girardeau, Mo., as the design-build company. Board members Watson, Ashcraft-Fincher and Dugger voted no.

Gorjean will provide the design-build contract and represent the district throughout construction.

"Design-build gives the client more control throughout construction," Gorjean said.

He will work with CTS Group, the only company to submit a bid, through construction.

"I have a good working relationship with CTS and will do my best to represent you," Gorjean said.

In other action:

* The 2016-17 audit was completed by Dwayne Clark of Hayti, Mo., and unanimously approved.

According to Clark, there were no new findings and he was pleased with the district's record keeping of the district, which improved from last year.

The school has a "very healthy fund balance," Clark said.

* The board approved a resolution adopting the Butler County Multi-Jurisdiction Local Hazard Mitigation Plan by a vote of 4-3. Watson, Dugger and Ashcraft-Fincher voted against the resolution.

Superintendent Jeremy Siebert said this resolution is good for five years and allows the district to have the option to reapply for a FEMA building in the future.

* The board unanimously approved Policy 6180 English Language Learner. This policy ensures the district is committed to identifying and assessing the educational needs of students whose native or home language is other than English.

According to Siebert, there are no students in the district at the time who fall under this policy.

During executive session, the board accepted the resignations of Central Office secretary and Food Service Director Valorie McMeans and Maintenance Director Kirk McMeans.

The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be at noon Tuesday, Jan. 16, at the Central Office board room.

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