The Neelyville R-IV Board of Education was presented with the findings of the 2016-17 audit report during its monthly meeting Thursday, where "nothing major was found," Superintendent Brad Hagood said.
The audit, completed by Dwayne Clark of Hayti, Mo., had two findings which Hagood said are common for the district.
The findings included segregation of duties and budget amendments.
According to the audit report, "the size of the district is such that it is not feasible to have enough employees for adequate segregation of duties for internal control."
The district's response addressed the size of the district and budget constraints as limiting the adequate segregation of duties, but these areas will be reviewed periodically and consideration will be given to improving the segregation of duties.
Hagood added many school districts the size of Neelyville have segregation in duties in their audit findings as well.
When making budget amendments, the report found while the district approved amending the 2016-17 budget to reflect actual revenues and expenditures, the resolution did not set forth the facts and reasons for making the increase in expenditures necessary.
Hagood provided the example of amending the budget to reflect added expenses of something not in the budget, such as roof repairs. The auditor would like to see the reasons listed.
Hagood said until the final statements arrive in the end of June, the board does not know if amendments are needed.
According to the audit report, the district responded to the finding by agreeing to ensure budget amendments set forth the facts and reasons for making the increase in expenditures necessary.
The board approved the process of seeking bus bids for next school year.
The district bought a smaller bus last year and Hagood said if they were to buy any additional busses, only one would be purchased.
Hagood reported he had not received any bids for the stage curtain that was discussed during last month's meeting.
"It's a waiting game right now," Hagood said. "We are still in the process."
Filings for school board opened Tuesday, Dec. 12 and Hagood said there have been no filings as of yet. Two seats are up for re-election which are currently held by President John French and Gene Russom.
He also updated the board on the removal of Missouri Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven.
While attending the Southeast Missouri Superintendent's meeting, Hagood said the overall consensus was individuals were appointed and removed from the state board until Gov. Eric Greitens got the votes needed to have the commissioner removed.
Hagood added many fellow superintendents predicted a lot of changes within public schools coming soon as well as bills attempting to be passed including topics of charter schools, open enrollment and tuition credits to private schools.
"Is this good for public education," Hagood asked. "I don't think so."
Hagood added he emailed Senator Doug Libla regarding his disappointment of not only the decision to remove Vandeven, but also the process taken to accomplish the removal.
An email from an individual in Libla's office thanked Hagood for the email, but that is the only response he has received.
"I guess we will just have to wait and see," Hagood said.
Neelyville Junior High and High School Principal Justin Dobbins reported with the semester winding down, attendance was down at his school.
He added the school would be holding a couple extra Saturday schools next semester to help the students who have missed days.
Dobbins also reported to the board the Alternative School is going well and the students attitudes are great, they are coming to school and getting their work done.
During executive session, the board accepted the resignation of paraprofessional Terry Davidson and custodian Tracie Turner.
Three individuals were hired by the board including paraprofessionals Joanna Engleman and Christina Robertson as well as part-time custodian Josh Norman.
The next Neelyville Board of Education meeting will be at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 18 at the Central Office board room.