November 28, 2017

The gap widened between the Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) and the Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop Board at an emotional and sometimes tense meeting of the Facilities Board held at the offices of Targeted Case Management, Inc. in Dexter Nov. 16. After an executive session, the Sheltered Facilities Board voted 7-0, with one abstention, not to renew the 2018 contract with the Sheltered Workshop...

Mike Mccoy

The gap widened between the Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) and the Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop Board at an emotional and sometimes tense meeting of the Facilities Board held at the offices of Targeted Case Management, Inc. in Dexter Nov. 16. After an executive session, the Sheltered Facilities Board voted 7-0, with one abstention, not to renew the 2018 contract with the Sheltered Workshop.

The feud between the two boards that serve developmentally disabled citizens in the county has been brewing for years. It came to the forefront in 2009 when the SB 40 Board asked for a formal signed contract from the workshop, which requiring documentation as dictated by the terms of the contract.

Jim LaBrot, director of the Sheltered Workshop, noted at the time that it was the first time the workshop had been asked to sign a formal contract. He has now been the manager at the Workshop for the last 37 years.

"The Sheltered Workshop is self-governing, and we function independently. We're not responsible to the SB40 Board. We're not responsible to anybody else. We are set up by the Department of Education. They appoint no one to our board. Our board doesn't have to answer to them," LaBrot said at that time.

Members of the SB 40 Board, including Administrator Dana McClure, have been seeking more financial accountability from the workshop, including the submission of vouchers for payments.

The SB 40 Board cited the following as an example of problems with financial accountability: "As per our contract, in 2014 the calendar year, the SB 40 Board gave the Workshop $89,027.92 for workshop services. The board also gave the workshop $126,998.62 in contingency funds. The $55,000 contingency fund given to the workshop in January 2014, was to upgrade the facility with security monitors, door handle lever sets and to purchase three Outlaw mowers. The $65,000 given to the workshop in September 2014 was for operational expenses and to pay off the credit line loan at the bank. As of December 2014, there remains a loan balance."

LaBrot said the workshop has been audited annually for 32 years, and all of them were "clean audits."

An building inspection started in Sept. 2016 of the Sheltered Workshop was completed in March 2017.

The building inspection cited many repairs and renovations that are needed. The highest priority was for restroom upgrades, followed by repairs to the roof, replacement of out-dated HVAC units, interior renovations and electrical repairs, along with others.

The SB 40 Board, after reviewing the inspection, determined that the repairs would be more costly than building a new physical building. They notified the Workshop Board and asked for members to meet with them. Two members of the Workshop Board attended the June 8 meeting of the SB 40 Board. They were asked to notify other Workshop Board members of their interest in the construction of a new building. The SB 40 Board voted to proceed with new construction at their July 20 meeting.

Workshop Board Member Josh Hester said of the inspection that it was meant to be comprehensive, and the Workshop Board had hoped to prioritize repairs and make them as money was available.

With the approval of the SB 40 Board, construction began in late August on a 5,000 square-foot office building for Target Case Management on County Road 431 off the North Outer Road in Dexter, and a 19,000 square feet building for a workshop.

At their Aug. 10 meeting, the Workshop Board voted not to support construction of a new building. The board "declined to proceed until adequate plans, documents, datas and requirements are presented...along with possible consultation with the Department of Secondary and Elementary Education (DESE)."

On Oct. 23., the SB 40 Board asked that three representatives from each board be appointed to try to work out differences and reach some solution. Records do not indicate if that meeting ever took place.

The Nov. 16 meeting of the SB 40 Board drew a large crowd. Chairman Joe Weber welcomed those in attendance and laid out the ground rules for speaking. He said four citizens had requested to be placed on the agenda. He said each would be given five minutes to address the board. He said other comments would not be accepted by the board. Regular business items would follow with an executive session planned after that.

Weber then said the four people to speak were Shirley Carney, Matt Worley, Commissioner Steve Jordan and Commissioner Carol Jarrell.

Shirley Carney

Carney said she was a "concerned citizen," and her brother works at the Sheltered Workshop. She said she and her husband had some concerns about the Workshop and went to a meeting of the board to discuss them.

"They told us we were not allowed to stay," said Carney.

Carney said she was asked to leave.

"I wouldn't be here if that had not happened," stated Carney. "It is time for our voices to be heard."

Carney questioned whether there was an issue of nepotism at the Workshop, since LaBrot's grandson was on the Worshop staff payroll. His daughter is on the Workshop Board.

Carney said she talked to LaBrot about the lack of heat where her brother was working. She said she was told it was due to an exhaust problem. She said contractors have told her that is not the case.

"My brother had to work in the freezing cold," said Carney. "The manager is not keeping them well. He sits in his office with a space heater."

Carney also said there was a problem with pest control, and the bathrooms do not work.

"Someone is dropping the ball," Carney said. "LaBrot, you are responsible."

Carney said some parents wanted to serve on the workshop board, but were passed over for the board because the board is "handpicked by LaBrot."

She concluded by saying, "There should be no repercussions against my family for my speaking out."

Matt Worley said he is owner of Specialty Products and Services in Dexter. He said he once placed several of his consumers at the workshop, but now it is "only a handful."

"They don't like it," said Worley. "It is not a good environment."

Worley said work should be a place for consumers to take pride in themselves, but that is not the case at the Workshop.

"They get yelled out," said Worley. "They should be treated with dignity and respect."

Worley also complained personal relationships between those working there are allowed.

"There is no policy of relations between consumers and managers," said Worley. "There is a lack of supervision."

Worley said he was looking for an alternative workplace for his consumers.

Steve Jordan opened by saying, "This is the first I've heard of this. I don't know if it is true or not true."

Jordan said he was not acquainted with either the Sheltered Workshop, the ARC or the SB 40 Boards. He said all three should have the interest of the people they serve as their highest priority.

"Let me get straight to the point," stated Jordan. "My only concern is how the taxpayers' money is supposed to be spent, according to the law."

Jordan said he was open-minded, but he had concerns.

"Did you hire a local engineer?" asked Jordan about construction. "Did you run advertisements for bids and take bids for the construction of new buildings? Did you follow proper procedures?"

Jordan said the SB 40 did take bids on the plumbing, but only after member Don Rhodes insisted on it. Jordan said taking bids saved the board $100,000.

Jordan said he had a form he would like filled out by the SB 40 Board which would "clear up any questions."

Carol Jarrell

"I will tell you I'm going to speak more than five minutes," stated Jarrell in her introduction, noting she didn't care what rules the SB 40 Board set for the meeting. "I want to thank all of you who came out tonight."

I requested to be put on the agenda on Oct. 16. It was put out by the SB 40 Board that "I demanded to be on the agenda. I did not demand."

"I was elected to three terms as commissioner," said Jarrell. "I will be a voice for the people of this county."

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"The SB 40 Board controls the money, but they are not giving him (LaBrot) any money to operate the workshop," continued Jarrell.

Jarrell said she was asked by Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis to represent the commission at the SB 40 Board meetings. She said it was after assuming this role that she took a tour of the workshop.

"I watched special people working," said Jarrell. "They were happy -- having a good time and working."

Jarrell distributed a newspaper article from 2009 which outlined problems between the two boards.

She alleged Weber had a friend from his military days he wanted to take over management of the workshop as a reason the SB 40 Board withheld nine months of payments to the workshop. She noted an out-of-county management firm, Regency Management, was paid $30,000 annually to oversee finances for the SB 40 Board. She noted that $30,000 was paid annually for 10 years.

"I have a problem with tax money going out of the county," Jarrell said.

Jarrell said she tried to work with SB 40 Administrator Dana McClure to get the necessary paperwork from LaBrot.

"There was always new rules, new forms," stated Jarrell. "I feel like they (SB 40) are bullies. This is not their money, it is the workshop's and the work homes. It is not their money to play God over."

Jarrell took issue with SB 40 denying money to the workshop to meet payroll. She said the reason was because Vickie Ross (treasurer of the Workshop Board) had not gotten the by-laws in on time. She said that meant people didn't get paid.

"I later picked up that check for the workshop, and I was not a happy camper," Jarrell said angrily.

Jarrell took issue with Board Member Deb McKay who she said asked her if she could come to a commission meeting to review the county voucher system.

"It was scheme," declared Jarrell. "She invited everyone on the SB 40 Board to the meeting."

The purpose was to question the ethical procedures of commissioners, namely Jarrell, who they objected to being at their meeting.

In January 2017, Jarrell said she wanted LaBrot to get bids for remodeling the bathrooms at the workshop.

"I did encourage them to get an inspection," noted Jarrell. "It was only an inch, but it gave them (SB 40) a mile."

She said the inspection was just a cover for an effort to construct new buildings. She said low estimates of the repairs placed the cost at approximately $341,000.

Jarrell lashed out at several SB 40 Board members, including Weber, Deb Kay and Clay Prough and Administrator McClure.

Jarrell said she wanted revenge, but prayed and decided to put it behind her. She opposed the reappointment of Weber and Prough to the SB 40 Board, but voted for it in spite of her feelings. Now the SB 40 Board has moved forward with a building project.

Jarrell said the SB 40 would do anything to have LaBrot removed as manager of the workshop. She said the SB40 Board has approved less money for the workshop and expect LaBrot to do more.

"I'm not here to make you like me," said Jarrell. "You don't like me, and I don't like you."

She then called for McClure to resign and no more money be spent on offices for Targeted Case Management or a workshop building. She said the money should be given to the current workshop.

Jarrell then promised if the SB 40 didn't follow through with her request, "I will personally knock on every door in Stoddard County to have you (SB 40 Board members) recalled."

Jim LaBrot opened by saying he would like to address comments made by Carney.

"We (the workshop) are private non-profit," said LaBrot. "The Sheltered Workshop is not under the Missouri Sunshine Laws."

LaBrot said members of the public are not allowed to stay, observe and take notes at meetings of the board.

"We are not public, and we have no sunshine law requirements," reiterated LaBrot.

LaBrot said the SB 40 Board was trying to make it look like he was mismanaging the workshop.

"I've had 37 clean audits," said LaBrot. "Not once has the Department of Education or Jean & Company found fraud, or used the word mismanagement."

He then singled out SB 40 Board Member Prough.

"Prough said his dislike for me would cause him to vote no on funds for the workshop," said LaBrot. "This board has stooped to a new low."

LaBrot said he has submitted vouchers to purchase a new pickup and an International truck. He said a new packaging job at the Industrial Park in Poplar Bluff, Mo., was in the works and the trucks would be needed.

"This is just what we need," stated LaBrot.

LaBrot said there are currently 41 employees at the workshop. He cited some new laws which have made hiring employees more difficult, but the workshop still serves the people for which it was intended.

LaBrot told those present the tax money was meant for the Sheltered Workshop, and the SB 40 Board would be violating the law to withhold the money.

Dan Gier, Sheltered Workshop director at DESE, echoed LaBrot's assertion. He said in many counties the money goes directly to Sheltered Workshops. He also said the workshop has to have a certificate from DESE for operation, and there can only be one workshop in a county. He told the SB 40 Board they could not spend the money without the workshop.

McClure did not agree, noting amendments to the law and other documentation allowing other expenses by the SB 40 Board.

There was also a discussion of whether the SB 40 Board had violated state statutes by not taking bids for building construction. Both sides cited legal opinions that supported their cases.

Business meeting

The board voted unanimously to approve a new contract with the ARC. They tabled action on expense vouchers from the workshop. McKay said she had not had a chance to look them over, and questioned some of the expenses. Huey said postponing the vouchers would make the workshop even later on paying some bills, and would add to an ongoing problem.

McKay noted the SB 40 Board has given the Workshop money to pay off a bank loan, but the loan is still unpaid. Huey said the workshop has an agreement with a local bank to pay checks written in overdraft. He said because SB 40 regularly withholds funds, the workshop continues to owe the bank.

"We stay in the hole," said Huey.

McClure said a special meeting would be called next week to address the voucher issue.

The SB 40 Board then voted to go into executive session.

Ross asked the reason for the executive session. McClure said the session was needed to discuss litigation.

Upon return to open session, McKay made a motion not to renew the 2018 contract with the Sheltered Workshop. It was seconded by Prough, and passed by a 7-0 vote, with Board Member Don Rhodes abstaining. Chairman Weber only votes in the event of a tie. Voting in favor of the motion were board members Sheila Alsup, McKay, Robin Rickman, Bonnie Blue and Sherri Holifield. Larry McGonigal was not present.

Rhodes said he had not had time to look over the contract, and would abstain until he had more time to read through it.

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