October 24, 2017

Construction is underway on a 5,000 square-foot office building for Target Case Management on County Road 431 off the North Outer Road in Dexter, and a 19,000 square feet building is planned to house a Sheltered Workshop. The Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) voted at a previous meeting to construct the new facilities in an effort to expand services for the developmentally disabled population in Stoddard County...

Mike Mccoy

Construction is underway on a 5,000 square-foot office building for Target Case Management on County Road 431 off the North Outer Road in Dexter, and a 19,000 square feet building is planned to house a Sheltered Workshop.

The Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) voted at a previous meeting to construct the new facilities in an effort to expand services for the developmentally disabled population in Stoddard County.

"The new Sheltered Workshop facility will operate under a new name with new management," said Dana McClure, supervisor of Target Case Management. "The new workshop is scheduled to open in the early spring of 2018."

McClure said land was purchased by the SB 40 Board nearly 20 years ago to construct a new facility for the developmentally disabled in the county. She said the start of construction was the result of years of planning and the fulfillment of a goal of the SB 40 Board.

The SB 40 Board is a local county board founded by Mentally Retarded Citizens of Missouri in 1968. A ten cents per $100 valuation property tax levy was approved by voters in Stoddard County in 1976. The tax allowed needed funding to provide residential, vocational and other related programs and services for the mentally handicapped in Stoddard County.

The Statutes define those served as "Only those persons defined as handicapped persons in section 178.900, RSMo, and those persons defined as handicapped persons in this section whether or not employed at the facility or in the community, and for persons who are handicapped due to a developmental disability... All persons otherwise eligible for facilities or services under this section shall be eligible regardless of their age; except that, individuals employed in sheltered workshops must be at least sixteen years of age. The board may, in its discretion, impose limitations with respect to individuals to be served and services to be provided. Such limitations shall be reasonable in the light of available funds, needs of the persons and community to be served as assessed by the boards, and the appropriateness and efficiency of combining services to persons with various types of handicaps or disabilities."

Among the agencies receiving funding from the SB 40 Board are ARC, Partnership for Hope and the current Sheltered Workshop at 1118 Center Street. The SB 40 Board currently has approximately $2,000,000 in funding, which is sufficient funding for the new building project.

"The administrative control and management of the facility shall rest solely with the board, and the board shall employ all necessary personnel, fix their compensation, and provide suitable quarters and equipment for the operation of the facility from funds made available for this purpose," reads the Statute organizing the Board.

McClure said the SB 40 Board was in the process of interviewing for a manager for the new Sheltered Workshop. She noted the SB 40 Board hoped to work with area industries in production, though no actual contract has been signed. She said the plant will do some recycling, but the hope is to move more into the production of specialty items for industry.

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The contractor for the new buildings is Crafton Construction in Van Buren, Mo. Preliminary architectural plans were prepared by Togerson Design Partners in Ozark, Mo.

McClure said the ARC will remain at their location on Grant Street near Dexter High School. She said that building was in good shape and ARC management wanted to remain at that location.

Stoddard County Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis said at the commission meeting on Oct. 2, "This project has been on the radar for many years." Mathis then distributed copies of the architectural rendering of the new buildings, along with state statutes concerning SB 40 Boards and an inspection report of the buildings at the old Sheltered Workshop location.

The building inspection cited many repairs and renovations that are needed. The highest priority was for restroom upgrades, followed by repairs to the roof, replacement of out-dated HVAC units, interior renovations and electrical repairs, along with others.

McClure said the cost of repairs and renovations to the old Sheltered Workshop building was considered too expensive by the SB 40 Board. She said Sheltered Workshop Board members were invited to an SB 40 Board meeting to discuss the new building. The one stipulation prior to the combined board meeting was that there would be new management at the facility.

"They declined the invitation," said McClure.

Mathis said he asked the SB 40 construction plans be placed on the commission agenda.

"I felt it was in the interest of the public to be aware of what was going on," stated Mathis.

McClure said the Sheltered Facilities Board welcomes comments and input from Stoddard County residents. She said the Board preferred letters so that individual responses could be made. Letters should be mailed to the Stoddard County Facilities Board, P.O. Box 823, Dexter, MO 63841.

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