October 24, 2017

A decision by the Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) to build new facilities for offices and a workshop has management at the current Sheltered Workshop questioning their future. Jim LaBrot, manager of the Sheltered Workshop on Center Street, said the workshop cannot continue to operate without receiving funds from a tax passed in 1976 to fund a Sheltered Workshop. LaBrot has been manager since 1980...

Mike Mccoy

A decision by the Stoddard County Sheltered Facilities Board (SB 40) to build new facilities for offices and a workshop has management at the current Sheltered Workshop questioning their future.

Jim LaBrot, manager of the Sheltered Workshop on Center Street, said the workshop cannot continue to operate without receiving funds from a tax passed in 1976 to fund a Sheltered Workshop. LaBrot has been manager since 1980.

"Most people believe that their tax money is going to this Sheltered Workshop," said LaBrot. "The funds actually go to the SB 40 Board because of Senate Bill 40, which was passed by the legislature to oversee the funds."

"Our sole purpose is to provide gainful employment to the developmentally disabled," said LaBrot.

LaBrot said there are currently 40 employees at the workshop, with a typical average of 43 to 44 employees. The Workshop recycles plastic, paper and aluminum products.

"I didn't know how it worked," said Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan. "I pay taxes to the Sheltered Workshop and not the SB 40 Board. I think the public thinks like I do...that the money is going to the Sheltered Workshop."

LaBrot said the Sheltered Workshop is regulated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), which only allows one Sheltered Workshop in a county. He said he had spoken with a Dan Gier at DESE, and he assured him that tax money can fund only one Sheltered Workshop.

"They cannot build it and call it a Sheltered Workshop," said LaBrot. "The only way they can open a new one is to close this one down."

When contacted by the Statesman, Gier declined to comment. He said all comments must come from the DESE public policy department.

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LaBrot said two members of the Sheltered Workshop Board of Directors did attend an SB 40 Board meeting in August, but the decision to build a new facility had already been made.

LaBrot said repairs at the Workshop were needed, and his board was aware of that. He said that is why they had submitted a proposal to the SB 40 Board to renovate the bathrooms. This was given top priority by the Workshop Board.

The result was that the SB 40 Board hired an inspector to develop a property inspection report, which was lengthy and ultimately, expensive.

LaBrot said his Board had intended to begin addressing these problems, but it was going to be one step at a time. He noted that the Sheltered Workshop relies on tax money for day-to-day operations, because the business is not always profitable. The low market prices for recycled goods is only one of the problems facing the Workshop.

Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell expressed her concern about the fate of the Workshop. Jarrell said she was aware that the old building was in need of repairs and renovation, but she was under the impression that the problems would be prioritized for repairs as money was available.

Jarrell said she would like to know how much money was going for construction of office buildings for Target Case Management. She also expressed concern that the SB 40 Board did not seek bids for construction of the new facility.

Relatively new laws have placed all Sheltered Workshops under Vocational Rehabilitation regulations. That means that all names of employees under the age of 25 years have to be submitted to that department in an effort to find them jobs in the public sector. If none are found, then they are "cleared" to work at the Sheltered Workshop. The regulations have had an impact on the Workshop, said LaBrot.

"We don't know if SB 40 is going to pay our vouchers or not," explained LaBrot. "I don't think the taxpayers know what's going on."

LaBrot said former Sheltered Workshop Board President Lonnie Vickers resigned over problems with the SB 40 Board.

"If I were to resign, there wouldn't be a problem," LaBrot admitted. "I won't because of my employees."

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