October 11, 2017

To the Editor, Many people do not believe that I am ninety years old, and do not have any health problems that I have to take medicine for. Someone asked how do you do that? One thing I always do is look on the bright side of life. Even when my husband died, I said, well I do not have to watch him any more smoking his pipe. ...

To the Editor,

Many people do not believe that I am ninety years old, and do not have any health problems that I have to take medicine for. Someone asked how do you do that?

One thing I always do is look on the bright side of life. Even when my husband died, I said, well I do not have to watch him any more smoking his pipe. Oh the many illness that is caused by using tobacco. The doctors told him many times that his hard use of tobacco was going to kill him. Even had one doctor who would not see him any more because of his use of tobacco.

When my grandsons came to live with me. I said to myself how am I going to raise them by myself. I also said to myself I shall remain positive and give it my best shot.

We had some very rough spots. But I kept looking on the bright side saying, "We are going to make it and we did". Such nice young men they are now.

I am always thankful that I am able to get out of bed, make myself a glass of tea and drink it. Saying to myself, I am happy and thankful that I can get out of bed and make my tea. I think to myself maybe something extra nice will happen today. And if something happens that isn't nice, I shall take that gracefully and not worry about that.

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I could not do anything about my husband's heavy use of tobacco, like now I cannot do anything about my lovely daughter's smoking. I just pray about it and then go on. As for me I have had to many other things to spend my money for.

Oh by the way, many people do not know this, but during World War Two, Pres. Roosevelt gave cigarettes to the servicemen. That is where millions of young men were hooked on cigarettes.

It's OK, people, if you think I am a bit nuts, that is okay with me, Grady and I have only moved fifty (50) times. Even though we moved like that the three children have an excellent education.

I have the following saying on a big poster on my kitchen wall. "Every day is a wonderful opportunity to love, learn and to laugh, to care and to celebrate the joy of life."

Maybe some of this will help one to understand why I am so healthy. To me having a upbeat out look on life is so very important.

Irma Houts Epps

Poplar Bluff, Mo.

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