October 1, 2017

By MICHELLE FRIEDRICH Associate Editor PIEDMONT, Mo. -- Twelve teenagers recently got introduced to a career in law enforcement and life as a Missouri State Highway Patrol recruit when they took part in a five-day Youth Academy. Each morning, the cadets were up at 5:45 a.m. to begin a day filled with such activities as fitness training, as well as drill and marching exercises...


Associate Editor

PIEDMONT, Mo. -- Twelve teenagers recently got introduced to a career in law enforcement and life as a Missouri State Highway Patrol recruit when they took part in a five-day Youth Academy.

Each morning, the cadets were up at 5:45 a.m. to begin a day filled with such activities as fitness training, as well as drill and marching exercises.

"PT, we did a lot of that," said Sgt. Brad Haggett, who serves as the patrol's recruiter for the southeast region. "In addition to PT, we did ropes courses, obstacle courses.

"It was like a typical boot camp and summer camp all rolled into one. We kept them going from 5:45 (a.m.) to 10 p.m. each day."

The cadets, who ranged in age from 16 to 18, also were instructed on the patrol's history, ethics, integrity, firearms safety and use of force issues.

There were classroom presentations on the patrol's criminal investigation, aircraft, gaming and marine divisions, as well as stop-and-approach scenarios.

"The purpose is to introduce young people to a career in law enforcement and also build bonds in our community," Haggett said.

Patrol officials, he said, wanted the cadets to "get a chance to see police officers and patrol officers ... outside of our uniform, with our hair down so to speak" in a "non-enforcement" situation.

"The purpose of some of the activities was to instill leadership, team building and confidence," said Haggett, who indicated one of the team-building exercises involved stringing two ropes between trees.

That rope challenge, according to Poplar Bluff Senior Garrett Shackleford, was one of the activities the "very first day. ... We had to tie the ropes between four trees.

"Everyone had to sit on the rope ... for five minutes. It showed how important team work would be there."

The challenge "was tough, but we made it," said Shackleford, who indicated everyone put in ideas on how to rig the ropes.

"On Monday, they arrived as individuals and on Friday, they left as a team," explained Haggett.

Patrol Sgt. Clark Parrott agreed.

"It was good to see the kids come together and work" as a team, said Parrott, who indicated three of the cadets "did not want to come," but by the end of the week each was wearing a smile and considering a law enforcement/military career.

According to Shackleford, it was "pretty intense" at times as "they tried to show us what it was like; it was fun for the most part."

LeTraca "Lacey" Skaggs of Qulin, Mo., described the overall academy as being tough, but "so much fun. ... I loved it; it was great."

Having attended last year's academy, which was "crammed packed" into two days, Skaggs liked this year's five-day format.

"Each day, we had two to three classes, all two-hour classes" on different patrol divisions, said the Twin Rivers senior. "It's not just the highway patrol (road troopers), it's aircraft, marine division, canine, crash investigation, DDCC (Division of Drug and Crime Control)."

Skaggs said the canine presentation by Poplar Bluff Police Patrolman Billie Duckett and Kane was her favorite.

At one point, Skaggs said, the dog was in the vehicle with Plexiglas separating him from the cadets.

Everyone who got in he "barked and growled at," Skaggs said. "I got in, sat down, and he didn't do anything.

"I find that amusing. I'm such a dog person now."

So much so, Skaggs said, she will be signing up for the U.S. Air Force in January and going into its canine program, which is tasked with searching vehicles entering and exiting bases and such buildings as the Pentagon.

Like Skaggs, Tanner Rickman, a junior at Greenville High School, has been interested in law enforcement since he was young, and his attendance confirmed his decision on "what I wanted to do" as a career.

"In June, I am going to U.S. Army basic training, and I'm going to be a military police officer in the Army," said Rickman, who will be graduating a year early.

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After Rickman completes his five-year enlistment, he said, he intends to apply to the highway patrol.

While Skaggs and Rickman knew a law enforcement or military career was in their futures, the same couldn't be said for Shackleford, whose future plans include nursing.

Like his fellow cadets Shackleford received CPR training provided by Butler County EMS Paramedic David Ross and left with his CPR certification.

Shackleford said he believed attending the academy would help him "handle high-stress situations" and would be "good for everybody to attend" what he described as a "very educational program."

Tyler Tucker agreed.

"It's something I would say every kid needs to do; it wouldn't hurt them," said the Poplar Bluff junior. "It teaches them about the patrol (and) police officers in general (but) would help through life with anything.

"It's a good experience to have."

Shackleford recommend others should "go to it at least once ... to get a new perspective on how things operate" from the highway patrol's perspective.

Some of the information, according to Tucker, was good no matter what the cadets have planned as their future careers.

"Overall, it was a real good experience," said Tucker.

Rickman agreed.

"My experience, it was hard, but fun and very information gathering," said Rickman, who indicated they were kept very busy. " ... It was very educational. I learned a lot."

As the son of patrol Cpl. Corey Tucker, the teen said, he knew quite a bit about the patrol going into the academy; however, "there was some different facts," as well as a "division or two I hadn't heard about."

Tucker said the academy "definitely" gave him a greater appreciation for the job his dad does every day.

"We all learned a lot of neat stuff about the different divisions of the highway patrol and how they do" what they do, said Tucker, who indicated the academy was what he expected as "they did some stuff (PT and classes) like the real academy in Jefferson City."

Unlike the actual academy, where recruits have to push themselves until they can't "go anymore," Tucker said, "we pushed all we could (and) gave all we had, and that's what they wanted us to do."

Tucker described the facility, Camp Eagle Sky of the Ozarks, as being a "neat" place to hold the academy.

The camp, he said, had nice bunk rooms and classrooms, but also had a lake for activities and basketball court.

"It was the perfect spot to do it," Tucker said. "The ropes course, that was a lot of fun."

The camp's grounds, he said, made it possible for the marine trooper to launch his boat on the lake and the patrol's helicopter to land on site.

"Eagle Sky, the facility was awesome, and the Eagle Sky staff went out of their way to make our experience successful," said Haggett, who indicated the academy's staff was comprised of troopers and civilian personnel from Troop E, as well as across the state.

Like the cadets, Haggett said, the lake and rope courses, with its multiple levels, were a good addition to the academy.

Skaggs said she initially convinced herself she wasn't going to do the three-story high rope course, but "I did it. It was awful.

"When you jumped off, you would free fall five to six feet" ... before the bungee would "catch you," allowing for a slower descent, Skaggs said. "That first five feet, your heart goes into your throat.

"What if it doesn't catch me? I did the first level of the ropes course," but couldn't continue.

The ropes course, Rickman said, was the "most challenging," but also the most fun.

The academy, Haggett said, provided a "tremendous bonding between the youth academy staff and kids. "

The academy, according to Haggett, is run "strictly off donations" and plans already are in the works to hold another academy locally next year, as well as in the Kansas City and St. Louis areas.

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