September 22, 2017

The Poplar Bluff R-1 Board of Education approved the 2016-17 District Audit Report Thursday during its monthly meeting. On behalf of Kraft, Miles and Tatum, Certified Public Accountant Steven Austin said the firm found no material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting or cases of noncompliance in the budget. Austin described the district as "financially sound."...

The Poplar Bluff R-1 Board of Education approved the 2016-17 District Audit Report Thursday during its monthly meeting.

On behalf of Kraft, Miles and Tatum, Certified Public Accountant Steven Austin said the firm found no material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting or cases of noncompliance in the budget. Austin described the district as "financially sound."

"Although the change in net position over the prior year was down $1,213,077, the overall gain in fund balances was at $2,535,527. The district maintained fund balances that exceeded board policy on reserves in all funds."

Austin said Poplar Bluff ended the fiscal year with $21,888,776 in total assets. However, he said the district's unassigned resources give a more clear measure of the overall health of the school, adding that Poplar Bluff's unassigned fund balance is $18,247,985.

"The unassigned fund balance for the general fund is really a key to how healthy the district is as far as spendable assets," he said. "This is a good thing for the board to keep an eye on. Really, that allows the board to realize how much of the general fund assets are available for normal use."

Austin said KMT issued an unmodified opinion on federal compliance requirements and Poplar Bluff is in compliance. He said this conclusion was made after testing the numbers of three major programs during the year ending June 30, 2017. Adult Education - Basic Grants to States, Student Financial Aid Cluster and Child Nutrition Cluster were the programs KMT used to test the district's compliance.

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"For any federal dollar the government allows you to spend, there are 12 compliance requirements. We issued a modified opinion and we thought the district was within those requirements," Austin said.

Board members also voted to approve the English Language Learners evaluation, Food Service Program evaluation, and adoption of the updated Local Compliance Plan presented by Special Services Director Mindy Garrett.

Prior to discussion regarding proper completion of the high school stadium, board members voted to table two pay applications, one in the amount of $47,000 and the other for $30,413.77, until the end of the meeting. Ultimately, the board voted unanimously to pay K&S Construction and Zoellner Construction the balances owed.

Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Amy Jackson, proposed adding a new, full-time position to assist district attendance office Misty Dodson with her duties.

Dodson said her responsibilities have grown since 2011 and that most workdays "are at least 12 hour days." She asked for assistance tracking attendance in the lower grades and overall help maintaining accurate data.

The board voted to consider the addition of a new position, and will vote on the matter during next month's meeting.

The next Poplar Bluff R-1 Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, in the Board of Education room at Central Office, located at 1110 N. Westwood Blvd.

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