September 20, 2017

The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education decided to hold off on using remaining money from CTS summer projects to purchase two sock duct systems for the high school gym air unit until two other project costs were considered. The board said they would first like to see cost estimates on bathroom remodels at the high school C Building and wifi expansion before exploring sock ducts...

The Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education decided to hold off on using remaining money from CTS summer projects to purchase two sock duct systems for the high school gym air unit until two other project costs were considered.

The board said they would first like to see cost estimates on bathroom remodels at the high school C Building and wifi expansion before exploring sock ducts.

Superintendent Jeremy Siebert estimated about $34,000 remains from CTS summer projects and the two sock ducts would cost about $15,000.

"I would like to stay in the umbrella we have left and not take money from the budget," Siebert said.

A sock duct system ensures correct ventilation throughout a building combining efficiency and appearance.

Siebert said the two ducts would fit around the heating system without having to move any existing equipment.

The first quote on the bathroom remodel Siebert said he received was about $13,500, but he's still looking for more quotes on replacing floors and stalls in the boys and girls bathrooms in the C Building.

"The government will pay $60,000 for the wifi expansion through the E-Rate program," Siebert said.

After the government's part is paid, the district is left to pay $13,0000 for the expansion. Siebert said the board decided to take advantage of a program which is available at this time and before a price increase.

The E-Rate program provides discounts to assist schools and libraries to obtain affordable telecommunications and Internet access.

After discussing the costs, the board said it would possibly look into purchasing the sock duct systems with only dipping into the budget a bit.

Citizens within the Twin Rivers School District soon will be seeing community surveys to be filled out regarding a proposed operating tax levy.

The proposed operating tax levy to be considered for the April ballot would be to pay for a new building at the Broseley campus and to pay for district-wide improvements completed over the summer.

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The survey will gather input from the community on whether they would like to see a new high school at Broseley or middle school at Broseley, which would connect to the high school. Either option, Siebert said, would put K-4 at Fisk and Qulin and 5-12 at Broseley.

L.J. Hart & Company and CTS will be present at next month's board meeting to assist on the proposed tax levee. L.J. Hart & Company will discuss how much of a tax increase would be necessary to fund the projects and CTS will present building plans to the board.

In other action:

* MUSIC renewal questionnaire/values: The Missouri United School Insurance Council (MUSIC) questionnaire was approved. This yearly questionnaire includes total numbers of students (902), total number of employees (166) and total operating budget ($9,498,151).

* Audit update: The audit update was approved. Siebert said the auditor was on campus last week and "everything is good."

During executive session, Nalynn Hillis was hired as a full-time bus route driver. Chelsea Wilson and Elizabeth Willis were both hired as companion aides at Fisk, Allison Ham was hired for drama club at Fisk and Christy Acre and Jessica Payne were both hired as Junior Beta sponsors at Fisk.

All new substitutes added to the substitute list were approved unanimously.

Fisk and high school Principals Leean Mann and Misti Lovelace both reported enrollment down slightly, while Qulin Principal Seth McBroom reported enrollment numbers up at his campus.

"We are at 289 students right now," McBroom said. "We had close to 45 enrollees this past summer."

WaWanna Nehrkorn, high school special education teacher and facilitator for the Twin Rivers District, reported Royally Roasted Coffee Shop will officially open Oct. 10 at the high school.

Nehrkorn said the coffee shop will teach students work experience skills with money, customer service, budgeting and more.

The shop will feature hot and iced coffee as well as pastry items. The start-up cost was donated by Sterling Bank.

The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, at the Central Office board room.

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