All veterans are invited to have their picture taken Saturday by a professional photographer through a new program by John J. Pershing VA Medical Center.
The free event, "Patriot Pictures," will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the ground floor of the medical center, one floor below the lobby, in room GD-045A.
The VA will provide 5x7 copies of photographs as long as supplies last.
"Veterans can bring their uniforms or medals - their military memorabilia," Dr. Patricia Hall, VA Medical Center director said in a press release. "But they can also just wear 'civvies' if they want to. And we will have service flags (Army, Navy, etc.) available for the pictures, if they'd like that."
This effort was started after seeing many veterans who had few or no photographs of themselves, Hall said.
Donations have provided materials for the event and many VA staff have volunteered to help, said Angela Smith, VA public affairs officer.
Daily American Republic photographer and Air Force veteran Paul Davis will take the pictures.
"We want every veteran to have a physical reminder that celebrates their service - something they can show to friends and family, and have on display in their homes," said Hall, who thanked the community and VA staff team for their generosity and support of the event.
Veterans who would like to participate could also become part of a possible new exhibit at the Stars and Stripes Museum in Bloomfield, Mo., Smith said. The exhibit could include photographs and other contributions by area veterans, she said.
VA staff will also be on hand to help anyone interested enroll in VA programs, Hall said. Veterans do not have to be a VA patient or sign up for programs to participate in this event.
Veterans may not be aware of the programs and services for which they qualify, said Smith. For instance, service members who register within five years of discharge are grandfathered in for several different kinds of care, she said. The VA also has a program to help veterans be tested for hepatitis, a treatable condition they can be two to four times more likely to carry.
Room GD-045A is located behind the elevator bank and can be accessed directly from the south parking lot and entrance, as well as from the lobby elevator.