September 12, 2017

To the Editor, As I was scrolling through the all truths machine (Facebook) this morning, I came across a very interesting letter written to Roger Goodell, the National Football League Commissioner, from a retired Col. Jeffery Powers referencing how displeased he was Commissioner Goodell would allow such a disrespectful act by not stepping up and informing that all NFL players will stand during the National Anthem. ...

To the Editor,

As I was scrolling through the all truths machine (Facebook) this morning, I came across a very interesting letter written to Roger Goodell, the National Football League Commissioner, from a retired Col. Jeffery Powers referencing how displeased he was Commissioner Goodell would allow such a disrespectful act by not stepping up and informing that all NFL players will stand during the National Anthem. Col. Powers went on to say he was an avid New York Giants and Yankees season ticket holder. He then mentions a particular Sgt., Garrett Mongrella, who was killed in the line of duty but just before the incident where Sgt. Mongrella was killed they were discussing how the Giants were going to win the Super Bowl, which did happen but Sgt. Mongrella was killed before this and never got to see it. Col. Powers went on to also mention how he felt Commissioner Goodell was, "Complicit", by allowing any players to kneel or sit down during the National Anthem and that is was basically like those particular players and Commissioner Goodell were spitting on the flag that draped Sgt. Mongrella's casket. He also wanted to know what would happen if the players came out and disrespected Goodell or refs publicly? We all aready know what would happen there, fines and possibly suspensions. Col. Powers stated he lost 14 men in combat and felt all of them have been betrayed. He is correct when he stated the following comments I have cut and pasted from his letter:"I observed a player getting a personal foul for twerking in the end zone after scoring. I guess that's much worse than disrespecting the flag and our National Anthem. Hmmmmm, isn't it his 1st Amendment right to express himself like an idiot in the end zone? Why is taunting not allowed yet taunting America is ok? You fine players for wearing 9-11 commemorative shoes yet you allow scum on the sidelines to sit, kneel or pump their pathetic fist in the air. They are so deprived with their multimillion dollar contracts for playing a freaking game! You condone it all by your refusal to act. You're just as bad and disgusting as they are. I hope Americans boycott any sponsor who supports that rabble you call the NFL. I hope they turn off the TV when any team that allowed this disrespect to occur, without consequence, on the sidelines. I applause those who have not."I am writing this because the new NFL season has now begun and I feel we all need to listen to Col. Powers and what he has submitted to Commissioner Goodell and take actions. In closing, I do understand everyone does have 1st Amendment Rights, I get it, I really do. However, again as Col.Powers said, if this is the case, then why don't the players get the opportunity to use their 1st Amendment Rights by saying how they feel about the Commissioner and the refs without the fear of penalties, fines and suspensions? I also loved Col. Powers quote, "Legends and heroes do NOT wear shoulder pads. They wear body armor and carry rifles."

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Thank you and God Bless

Roger Burton

Poplar Bluff, Mo

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