August 8, 2017

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Board of Equalization denied two appeals of 2017 property tax assessments at their regular meeting July 31 at the Government Building. The board first denied an appeal by Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri and then denied an appeal by Kenneth LaRue of Dexter...

Mike Mccoy

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Board of Equalization denied two appeals of 2017 property tax assessments at their regular meeting July 31 at the Government Building. The board first denied an appeal by Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri and then denied an appeal by Kenneth LaRue of Dexter.

County Board of Equalization (BOE) members are Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis, Associate Commissioners Carol Jarrell and Steve Jordan, Mary Worley and Mike Bollinger.

There was little discussion prior to the board voting unanimously to deny each appeal. Hearings were held last week with a full discussion of the issues. (See last week's Statesman.)

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Ameren Missouri appealed the 2017 tax assessment for components of their commercial gas distribution center.

Ameren first appealed the assessment in Stoddard County in 2013. Stoddard County is one of 16 counties where appeals of tax assessments have been filed by Ameren. Other southeast Missouri counties are Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Butler and Scott. The utility company claims the assessed valuations of its property in those counties have been too high, so its tax bills have also been too high.

Ameren previously appealed to the State Tax Commission, but the Commission ruled in favor of the counties.

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