June 20, 2017

On the last night of Jesus' earthly life he assembled the His beloved Apostles in an upper room of a friend to observe His last Passover with them. John wrote later, "Jesus, knowing the hour had come for Him to return to the Father, having loved His own, He loved them to the end." John 13:1...

On the last night of Jesus' earthly life he assembled the His beloved Apostles in an upper room of a friend to observe His last Passover with them. John wrote later, "Jesus, knowing the hour had come for Him to return to the Father, having loved His own, He loved them to the end." John 13:1.

This was a critical time for Jesus; for He knew before the night had passed that Judas would betray Him, Peter would deny Him three times, and the others would desert Him, except John: yet His love remained constant. In fact, the circumstances likely made it more intense, as a mother's love for a wayward son-the deeper he falls into sin, the more her love reaches out to him. Before they left the upper room He said to them, "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you." For, "By this shall all men know you are My disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34, 35. Let us take a closer look at the manner in which Jesus loved us. His love for us (mankind) is a constant love, not an on and off love that is determined by our response. Jesus' love sprang form His own heart and life which came from the bosom of God the Father.

Jesus' love for us is a forgiving love. He prayed that His executors and the hate-filled mob might be forgiven, even while they railed at Him on the cross. It we are to love as Jesus loved, this is one of the most difficult tests.

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He was ready to teach Nicodemus, a religious leader, and went home to Zacchaeus, a publican, and lead the sinful woman at the well to believe in Him.

Jesus' love was universal. He did not seek out only the lovable to show love for. He said to a woman that had been taken in adultery: I forgive you, now go and sin no more-go out and build a respectable life for yourself.

Jesus' love was self-giving and sacrificial, and it drove Him for Calvary for you and me.

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