An Ellsinore, Mo., man was charged Thursday with breaking into the home of a former girlfriend, who he allegedly sexually assaulted, as well as physically assaulted, causing what authorities describe as a brain bleed.
Jaykota Keith Kearby, 22, was charged with the Class B felony of first-degree burglary, the Class A felony of first-degree domestic assault and the unclassified felonies of first-degree rape and first-degree sodomy by Butler County Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Barbour.
After considering the complaint and probable-cause statement filed with the court, Associate Circuit Judge John Bloodworth issued a warrant for Kearby's arrest and set his bond at $500,000 cash or surety. In setting Kearby's bond, Bloodworth ordered he have no contact with his alleged victim.
On Wednesday, a Butler County deputy was sent to a Poplar Bluff, Mo., business, where he contacted a woman regarding an alleged assault, which had taken place in the county.
According to his probable-cause statement, Deputy Derek House reportedly met the woman, who he described as being "emotionally upset and crying uncontrollably."
As the woman was attempting to calm down, House said, he saw she had a small amount of blood coming from a corner of her mouth.
The woman, House said, subsequently told him she was napping in the bedroom of her Oakmoore Drive home when she was awakened by someone breaking into her residence.
"(She) stated that she exited her bedroom and started down the stairs to see what was going on when she saw that her ex-boyfriend, Jaykota Kearby, was inside her residence and coming up the stairs," House said.
Kearby allegedly caught the woman at the top of the stairs and started to cuss and yell at her.
"(She) stated that J. Kearby started to hit her in the face," House said. "(She) stated that she then started to scream for help."
Kearby then allegedly put his hands over the woman's mouth to stop her from screaming, but she told House "that she did not stop screaming, so J. Kearby started beating her head onto the floor until she became unconscious."
House said the woman reported the next thing she remembered was waking up on the bed with Kearby allegedly on top of her "saying that she is supposed to love him."
Kearby then is accused of sexually assaulting the woman, who indicated she "started to cry uncontrollably" during his alleged actions.
House said the woman further reported she subsequently was very dizzy and unable to find her cellphone.
She reportedly was able to run into the bathroom and close the door.
"(She) stated that she then heard what sounded like J. Kearby leaving," House said.
The woman reported she thought Kearby allegedly stole her cellphone when he left. The phone reportedly later was found in Kearby's possession.
The woman sought treatment at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center.
House said he received a call from hospital personnel regarding the woman's injuries.
"Hospital staff advised that after a CT scan, (she was) transferred to a hospital located in Cape Girardeau for an acute subdural hematoma to the back of (her) brain, commonly referred to as a brain bleed," House said.
The woman's condition was not known by press time.