June 2, 2017

Put a drawbridge over Highway T I'm calling in regards to the T Hwy. that was washed out by the dam. I would suggest that they put something like they do in Florida as a drawbridge or a road that turns and let the water through. It doesn't have to manned 24 hours a day. ...

Put a drawbridge

over Highway T

I'm calling in regards to the T Hwy. that was washed out by the dam. I would suggest that they put something like they do in Florida as a drawbridge or a road that turns and let the water through. It doesn't have to manned 24 hours a day. It just has to be manned when its flooding. As many times as they are going to have to fix that road - I don't know how much a drawbridge would cost but I think a good way to solve that problem. Just raise the road and let the water through. Thank you.

How can we afford

health insurance?

Hello, Speak Out. You know I've been watching with interest the hoodoo about health care. Just on a personal note last month I went to the doctor. He checked my blood pressure and my oxygen level and gave me a flu shot. It was $102. I hear all this talk about we're not going to subsidize premiums we're gonna give you tax breaks to help pay your insurance. Has anyone pinned, well of course, you can't really pin a politician down, but they live so removed from reality. Add up the average cost of a rental to live in or a house payment, the true cost of transportation to work and back, the true cost of groceries, the true cost to get dressed to walk out every morning. - pants, shirt, etc. Show me where there's money left to pay a $1,000 a month in insurance premiums. That's all I want to see! I want to see where all this money is coming from. How they think people can afford insurance. It's disgusting! And health care would be so much more affordable if there were no such thing as insurance.

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Awake cupcake

see the real world

Yeah, I'm calling in reference to the Speak Out complaint about wearing ball caps in church. There is not a thing with ball caps in church. This is 2017, not 1929 or 30. There is nothing wrong as long as they are not a church meeting on Sunday or Wednesday nights to wear a ball cap to a children's program. Wake up, cupcake, cause you need to go back to realization and come to the real world. Thank you.

Who made the

church cap rule?

This is in response to "When Did Wearin' Ball Caps in Church Become Okay?" Pick and choose your battle. Not all people are such strict individuals as you. Who came up with the hat rule? Oh, it's always been done this way. It's hard enough to get Christians to attend church regularly and then have some ignoramus talk about ball caps. For Pete's sake, it was a school function, not church. And even if it was a church I think it's you that has the problem not the ball cap wearer. Why make such a big deal about it? This person may never set foot inside a traditional church setting. What about meeting the person where they are? A ball cap is not a matter of salvation! Are you this diligent about sharing the gospel? Just some food for thought. Thank you.

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