June 1, 2017

Opening weekend of Missouri's squirrel and Ozark stream black bass seasons was, for the most part, a big dud. It was wet at times and windy pretty much constantly, and it really didn't appear very many folks even made the effort to get out. One conservation agent said he saw only one squirrel hunter's vehicle parked all weekend...

Opening weekend of Missouri's squirrel and Ozark stream black bass seasons was, for the most part, a big dud. It was wet at times and windy pretty much constantly, and it really didn't appear very many folks even made the effort to get out.

One conservation agent said he saw only one squirrel hunter's vehicle parked all weekend.

I can understand the lack of enthusiasm for the squirrel opener since most people wait to chase them until they're feeding heavily on hickory nuts in mid-July, but still ...

The story was the same for fishing in local small streams - there may have been somebody giving the smallmouth bass a try, but they probably had the water all to themselves.

The lack of anglers was a bit strange. Usually during that first weekend, you can find several people fishing along Tenmile Creek in western Butler County, with a lot of them putting in at the Highway TT bridge, but not this year. Some spots along Cane Creek also seem to always have fishing traffic.

If Mother Nature would stop being such a weekend buzz-kill, maybe folks would get to enjoy the outdoors, but as you might be aware, there's rain in the forecast for the coming weekend again. That's pretty much how the whole spring has gone.



Wappapello Lake still remains about 16 feet higher than recreation pool. The discharge has slowed, and the lake now is falling about 7 inches daily.

"Catfishing is where it's at," reported Nathan at Sundowner marina. "A lot of people don't realize when the water gets up, so do those fish."

Anglers using trotlines and limb lines baited with live bait are catching "lots of channel cats and some decent flatheads," he said.

Some crappie also are being caught, he noted, particularly by those spider-rigging with minnows.

As of today, ramps open at the lake include Redman Creek, Sundowner and the North Perkins Branch. Sulphur Springs also was slated to open today.

Clearwater Lake remains more than 60 feet higher than it should be, and it's dropping only around 4 to 5 inches very 24 hours.

"The lake is still murky," said Jim Wohlschlaeger at the Clearwater Store, "and with the wind, it's getting clear of debris."

Most anglers using the lake, Wohlschlaeger said, are having to launch and park off roadsides.

"We're really limited on parking" until the water goes down, he said.

Anglers have been catching good numbers of bass in the flooded treetops, Wohlschlaeger noted, though those looking for crappies are catching only a few. Catfishing also reportedly has been good.

Wohlschlaeger reminds anglers heading to the lake of the road closure west of the dam. They'll have to make the long trip around to get back and forth.

Alternative fishing spots still might be the secret to catching good numbers of quality fish. From some of the photos I've seen lately, Otter Lake has produced some really good catches.

Duck Creek's Pool 1 could be good, too, though biologist Keith Cordell reports fishing has been really slow.

Bluegill fishing everywhere should really pick up within a few days either side of the next full moon, which should be June 9.

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One of the oldest fishing tournaments on Wappapello Lake will take place this weekend when the Wappapello Bassmasters hosts its 38th annual Buddy Bass Tournament on Saturday, with fishing from Chaonia Landing.

Launch time is set for 6 a.m., with a weigh-in later at 3 p.m.

As in years past, this tournament promises 100-percent payback on entry fees, which are $100 per boat, including the big bass pot.

The winner is guaranteed $1,200, while second place will get $800. The winnings continue through 10th place, which should take home $100 based on at least a 50-boat entry.

To pre-register or to get more information, give Gerry Robinson a call at 573-785-4931.



The Current River Smallmouth Association will host its first tournament of the season on Saturday, with fishing from Van Buren, Mo.

Launch time has been scheduled for 7 a.m., from either the ramp at the Highway 60 bridge or from the Big Spring ramp, depending on your motor's horsepower.

Weigh-in will take place at 5 p.m. at the bridge ramp.

If you need more information, give Paul Henderson a call at 573-686-5476 or Troy McAfee at 417-331-4831.


Sports Show

Besides the bass tournament, there's a big outdoor event on the schedule this weekend in Van Buren which you may want to attend.

Saturday's Outdoor Sports Show will run from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the new school gymnasium, located at 202 W. College St.

On the bill are close to 100 merchandise booths, raffles and silent auction, several seminars, youth archery camps, a petting zoo, donkey rides, a BB gun range, aerial skeet shooting, a deer mount display from World's Outstanding Whitetail and more.

Staff from "Outdoors in the Delta TV," along with "Heartland Bowhunter" celebrities Michael Hunsucker and Shawn Luchtell, also will be on hand throughout the day.

Poplar Bluff's own Greg Hansbrough will be there signing copies of his book, "Enduring Strength," as well.

The event is a benefit for Lending a Hand, a local organization which helps Carter County cancer patients with their needs.

The cost to enter will be $5 for those age 6 and older. Those children age 5 and under will be admitted free of charge.

For more information on the event, give Tiffany Gossett a call at 573-323-4888.

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