May 24, 2017

Memory is one of our most useful gifts of God our heavenly Father. How precious many of them become to us. Memories of childhood-of mother kissing away little hurts and sending us back out to play and of the strong arms of dad in which we felt secure from all harm. ...

Memory is one of our most useful gifts of God our heavenly Father. How precious many of them become to us. Memories of childhood-of mother kissing away little hurts and sending us back out to play and of the strong arms of dad in which we felt secure from all harm. I have many pleasant memories of growing up on a farm and playing with my brothers in the big and little ponds were we learned to swim. We even de-turtled the ponds without ever being bitten by them. We knew where the birds nests were and how many eggs various birds laid before setting to hatch young ones. Who told some to lay two, others four and quail up to 20 or more eggs? The same loving, omniscient God that implanted in the nature of a man and woman to be attracted to each other and to give themselves unto each other in marriage with self-giving love to establish a home and to rear children to love and reproduce themselves.

Most of us have memories of some hardship. We did not like them at the time we were suffering them but discovered they served a useful purpose to strengthen our faith, cultivate our patience and teach us some of life's most important lessons. The prophet Jeremiah said, "This I call to mind, therefore I have hope. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23.

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We have memories of suffering and grief. If we haven't lost loved ones, we have shared with others in their sorrow and grief. I miss my companion of nearly 68 years, the mother of my children, but I do not grieve over my loss. It is part of the eternal plan. I have many pleasant memories of the life and love we shared so long together.

I have many pleasant memories of 57 years of pastoring churches, sharing with many the love of God and Jesus our savior. Oh, how much our love for each other enriched our lives.

As we observe Memorial Day, let us bow our heads and bend our knees in prayer, giving thanks for the many who gave their lives in the establishment and preservation of our nation.

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