May 19, 2017

Sen. Doug Libla responded to a request for an interview with the Daily American Republic, in which the senator and reporter corresponded via email in a question and answer format Thursday morning. No. 1 Do you think Gov. Eric Greitens will address the issue regarding Rone's amendment in a special session?...

Sen. Doug Libla responded to a request for an interview with the Daily American Republic, in which the senator and reporter corresponded via email in a question and answer format Thursday morning.

No. 1 Do you think Gov. Eric Greitens will address the issue regarding Rone's amendment in a special session?

Libla: "I haven't heard of any plan from Gov. Greitens regarding a special session."

  • No. 2 What makes this requested price adjustment different from all other incentives and perks given to other businesses around the state?

Libla: "I am, and always have been in favor of a 'special economic development electric rate' for reopening of the smelter and/or a new steel mill in New Madrid. Interestingly; two years ago we worked hard to help Noranda receive approval from the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) for an industrial electric rate discount, only to have Ameren (their supplier) oppose the filing.

There are many different types of incentives used all across Missouri to attract and/or retain jobs. Including payroll tax reimbursements to the employer for creating and retaining a certain number of jobs. There are other incentives such as real estate and personal property tax subsidies.

The main difference with electric legislation, such as Senate Bill 190 is that it negatively changes oversight by the PSC for decades. The Rone amendment, contained in SB 302, would give the PSC the ability to use any alternative rate making mechanism regardless, if it is allowed under current law. This could lead to unnecessary rate increases, and absolutely has nothing to do with reopening the smelter or a steel mill in New Madrid. All it would do is benefit the utility company. This would leave businesses and families vulnerable to monopoly utilities, such as Ameren.

This is my fifth year in the Missouri Senate opposing unfair electric utility legislation that would severely diminish the commission's authority in defending all electric rate payers. I take seriously my responsibility to the citizens of my district, and everyone across this state, to safeguard them from being overcharged by utility companies.

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Rate payers have no choice when it comes to their electric provider. If the Rone amendment had not had this sweeping deterioration of PSC scrutiny, and only had language that actually helped New Madrid, I would have been an enthusiastic supporter."

  • No. 3 What about the 500-plus jobs on the line that could positively impact so many Southeast Missouri families?

Libla: "I am very concerned about the jobs we lost when Noranda discontinued operations. Our country's trade laws have allowed cheap imports to infiltrate our borders destroying many of our good paying jobs and blue-chip manufacturing companies. We can't now allow monopoly electric companies to control legislation that could put our remaining job providers out of business with unreasonable electric charges.

Missouri manufacturers are allowed to request a lower electric rate by directly petitioning the PSC without pursuing legislation. Perhaps, the Department of Economic Development failed to inform the New Madrid city and county officials of this opportunity.

We need to continue being vigilant in our pursuit of attracting more companies to our region by networking our message of the advantages of being located here."

  • No. 4 Would you like to respond to Rep. Don Rone's house address last week in which he referred to you in a less than positive light?

Libla: "It is unfortunate that Rep. Rone did not make me aware of his amendments to SB302 earlier in session - rather than surprising us in the senate just one day before end of session. We could have had several weeks working together to find a solution to help with the electric rate, and to also discuss possible other opportunities to reopen the New Madrid smelter site and possible steel mill."

Libla: "P.S. It was widely reported that I filibustered SB124 on the last day of session. That is totally false. SB124 with Rep. Rone amendments attached, never came to the floor of the senate..."

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