May 19, 2017

By CHELSAE CORDIA Staff Writer Gov. Eric Greitens announced Thursday he is calling a special session to revisit a blocked Senate bill that had hundreds of jobs on the line for Southeast Missouri. The reason he said is because "a couple of career politicians, for their own petty political reasons, decided to block efforts to bring a steel mill and hundreds of jobs to Southeast Missouri when they decided to serve themselves rather than the people of the state of Missouri. ...


Staff Writer

Gov. Eric Greitens announced Thursday he is calling a special session to revisit a blocked Senate bill that had hundreds of jobs on the line for Southeast Missouri.

The reason he said is because "a couple of career politicians, for their own petty political reasons, decided to block efforts to bring a steel mill and hundreds of jobs to Southeast Missouri when they decided to serve themselves rather than the people of the state of Missouri. You are darn right we are going to fight them."

The special session is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. Monday in Jefferson City.

The governor is expected to discuss that issue during an area tour that includes New Madrid, Sikeston and Poplar Bluff. Greitens will speak at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Black River Coliseum.

Greitens' action comes in the wake of an emotional plea on the House floor by Rep. Don Rone, R-Portageville.

In his plea, Rone forcefully decried Sen. Doug Libla's actions in the Senate that stopped a bill from coming to a vote. That bill would have allowed the Public Service Commission to negotiate with Ameren for lower electric rates at the shuttered Noranda facility at New Madrid. With lower rates, that facility could reopen, as well as a new steel mill.

That bill passed the House by a 148-2 vote and, according to Rone, also had broad support in the Senate. However, because of actions led by Libla, it was filibustered and never came to a vote.

"... I'm here to tell you that I have never dealt with, don't ever want to deal with the most selfish, the heartless, egotistical people as Libla (R-Poplar Bluff), as (Sen. Gary) Romine (R-Farmington) in my life. Never," said Rone.

The amendment allowing the PSC to negotiate with Ameren was attached to Senate Bill 302. Had it passed, as Rone and many others predicted, and had negotiations proven successful, as expected, it would have restored more than 400 jobs and created 200 more with the addition of the steel mill.

"It's pretty critical to get this done by the end of the month," said Rone, because the steel mill representatives would like to make a decision on whether or not to build by that time.

Libla claims he was not made aware of Rone's amendment until the day before the end of session, which was May 12. However, Rone's amendment was attached to SB 302 on May 3 when it was read and passed in the House. It then went into conference until May 9 and was one of only two amendments still attached to the bill. Two days later, Libla, Romine and Sen. Rob Schaaf, R-St. Joseph, worked to prevent SB 302 from coming to a vote.

Libla said he didn't support SB 302 because he feels it gives too much power to a private utility company. (See accompanying article.)

"I take seriously my responsibility to the citizens of my district (in which Noranda is located), and everyone across this state, to safeguard them from being overcharged by utility companies," Libla said.

During Rone's appeal to fellow House members, he asked that his amendment now be attached to SB 124, which would postpone further discussion until next session or a special session.

While speaking, Rone described "King Libla's" single-handed efforts to block jobs and disrupt government in Missouri.

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"We had five to six hundred jobs ready to go in 120 days. And all we asked for out of those people (in the Senate) was to give us the right to give the PSC the right to negotiate an affordable power rate. In 120 days we would have those people back to work ... and all we had to do was give the PSC the right to negotiate with these people," Rone said.

"Libla, King Libla, sitting over on the far side telling Schaaf to come over and talk to me and the rest of us and try to convince us that their way was the right way. Then King Libla, sitting on the other side started to dictate to his servants. To Schaaf. To Romine. Romine got up, King Romine, well maybe prince, he was led by Libla," Rone continued.

According to Rone, when Sen. Ed Emery (R-Lamar) asked Romine if he was willing to walk away from 500 jobs, Romine said "You bet."

"Now isn't that a fine how do ya do when we're offering them 500 jobs, no cost to the state of Missouri, shovel ready, ready to go, 120 days we're doing something. I just do not understand it," said Rone.

New Madrid City Mayor Dick Bodi traveled to Jefferson City on May 11 to support Rone. He said what happened that day in Senate "was disheartening."

"We've been devastated by the closure of Noranda," Bodi said. "I watched the debate and became very frustrated. One senator even compared utility help to welfare."

Bodi said while hundreds of jobs in this area doesn't sound like a lot, once all the supporting elements are taken into account, it becomes beneficial to not only Southeast Missouri but to the entire state.

"(Libla, Romine and Schaaf) were so misinformed," Bodi said. "It was very frustrating to see our elected leaders not knowing what they're talking about. I left feeling very disheartened."

Bodi said he is thrilled Greitens called a special session and once again has hope for the folks in his community.

"The steel mill would employ 200 people with an average wage of $55,000 per year," Bodi said. "Our people don't want a hand out, they want a hand up."

Libla told Daily American Republic reporters that other news organizations falsely reported that he filibustered SB 124. Rone verified the information.

"By the time we got the amendment attached to SB 124, it was too late and it never reached the Senate," Rone said. "But Libla didn't even filibuster SB 302, he had Romine do it for him."

It was pointed out Libla should have known how important the jobs were to residents in Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot and Scott counties because they are in his district.

The PSC/Ameren issue was originally addressed under SB 190, which had been under consideration last month and also was opposed by Libla. Rone said Libla received a letter dated April 24 signed by various elected city and county officials. While they knew he would not support the bill, they asked him to at least allow it be brought to a vote. It didn't, so Rone attached his amendment to SB 302, which Libla also helped block from coming to a vote.

Rone said Libla, Romine and Schaaf selfishly prevented hundreds of jobs from coming to the area.

"...where one man (Libla) can keep 500 people, 500 jobs, from happening, it's just not right for that to happen in the United States and especially in the great state of Missouri."

Rone hopes the special session will bring change to the folks so desperately in need of work, despite Libla's clear opposition.

"We have never asked Doug to change his position, just to allow it to come to the floor for a vote," Rone said. "I'm kind of partial to getting people jobs who have been out of work for so long."

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