April 27, 2017

Rivers at Poplar Bluff and Patterson could crest above flood stage by Friday morning, with weekend storms expected to dump another 3-5 inches of rain across the area. Much of the area has already received up to 3 inches of rain in the past 24 hours, falling on full rivers and saturated ground...

Rivers at Poplar Bluff and Patterson could crest above flood stage by Friday morning, with weekend storms expected to dump another 3-5 inches of rain across the area.

Much of the area has already received up to 3 inches of rain in the past 24 hours, falling on full rivers and saturated ground.

The National Weather Service in Paducah, Ky., has issued a flash flood warning through Sunday night for much of Southeast Missouri, including Butler, Ripley, Carter, Stoddard and Wayne counties.

The NWS has "high confidence" in weekend rainfall predictions of 3-5 inches, said meteorologist Robin Smith, based on information concerning cold fronts which will move through the area.

"We're looking for severe weather Friday afternoon and a chance Saturday," Smith said, adding the Poplar Bluff airport received 2.88 inches in the 24 hours prior to 8 a.m. Thursday morning.

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The Missouri Department of Transportation reported one road closed in the local area due to flooding. Traffic was stopped on Route M at 8 a.m. Thursday in Carter County because of water over the road.

There are spots that could see water over the road during heavy rain, said David Wyman of MoDOT. Residents are cautioned to slow down on roads and not to drive through standing water.

The Black River has a predicted crest of flood stage, 16 feet, at Poplar Bluff by 7 a.m. Friday, before new rainfall. It was at 14.15 feet Thursday morning.

A removable flood wall on Ditch Road was not installed by 9 a.m. Thursday morning, but officials say they are monitoring the situation.

The St. Francis River at Patterson is predicted to crest 4 feet above the 16-foot flood stage by Friday morning. The river will likely hold at about 14 feet at Fisk, around 6 feet below flood stage.

The Current River at Van Buren has a crest prediction of 11 feet by Friday morning. Flood stage is 20 feet. It is also expected to be below flood stage at Doniphan, with a crest under 10 feet. Flood stage there is 13 feet.

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