April 26, 2017

"Sirs, we would see Jesus," said some Greeks to Philip. Jn. 12:21. They has heard of Him and the mighty miracles He was performing, as well as the fame of His teaching. Why would they not want to meet Him? Philip told Andrew, and they tell Jesus; but instead of Jesus arranging for an interview with the Greeks, He said unto them, "The hour (time) is come that the Son of man should be glorified." V.23. ...

"Sirs, we would see Jesus," said some Greeks to Philip. Jn. 12:21. They has heard of Him and the mighty miracles He was performing, as well as the fame of His teaching. Why would they not want to meet Him? Philip told Andrew, and they tell Jesus; but instead of Jesus arranging for an interview with the Greeks, He said unto them, "The hour (time) is come that the Son of man should be glorified." V.23. It is not known if Jesus met with them or not, but from what follows He most likely did not. But one thing we do know, and that is no one can come face to face with Jesus and not be deeply affected by Him.

We need to see Jesus is all His love and humility. We need to see His compassion on the poor, the sick, the crippled, the sinners and the children the disciples thought He should not be bothered with. Then watch Him draw them unto Himself, saying, "Suffer (permit) the little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of God."

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We need to see Him taking time to worship, and to rise before dawn to go to a solitary place to pray: even He, as the Son of God needed to pray-talk to His Father about the burdens of living in a sinful world.

We need to see Him again and again in Gethsemane praying so earnestly that His sweat was mingled with blood, as he prepared Himself for the shame and agony of Calvary's cross the next day. We must see Him in the emblem of the Lord's Supper, or it will become an empty ritual.

Finally, all who know Him, and love and serve Him, are looking forward to seeing him when He returns to call all the redeemed unto Himself and take us to that place He has gone to prepare. See Jn. 14:2, 3.

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