Friday, April 7, the Agee Community Club ladies met at Ryan's Steakhouse for their April meeting. Nadine Johnson, gave the invocation before the meal.
Nickey Orton was the April hostess. Cathy Womack, president, opened the meeting with ladies repeating the club motto. Roll call was answered with a Bible verse from memory. Orton gave the devotional and read Rev. 12: 1-2. She also read the story of John Newton and his life. Who also wrote the song, ''Amazing Grace.''
Johnson read the secretary report from the March meeting, and also read the poem written by Orel Smith. ''The Breeze and I'' from her poem booklet.
Womack will be the May hostess. For the door prize, each lady was given chocolate bunny-shaped candy. They will pick up their Black River Times as they go home, as Johnson forgot to pick them up. They repeated their club collect to dismiss the meeting.