Speak Out 1/23/16
Not gettin'
a bargain
I'm calling about the gas prices still being so high. With a barrel of oil being at $31.12 a gallon why are we still paying $1.72 - $1.79 a gallon for gas? Back years ago when the barrels were selling for what they are now, our gas was down to $.69 - $.89 a gallon and when it got up to $90 and stuff we were paying these prices of $1.79 and above. So why are our gas prices so high? We're not gettin' a bargain. We're still getting ripped off! And I think people ought to protest and call them or go on Facebook or do whatever it takes to get them explain why those gas companies are still ripppin' us off. Because that's exactly what's happening and it needs to stop and you can go back and see how cheap oil was when these barrels of oil were at what they are now and high it was when it was $90 and $100 a barrel. We're gettin' ripped off and people needs to wake up and fight back. Thank you.
Move to PB
Please print this one. If you're a criminal move to Poplar Bluff. Poplar Bluff Police Dept. doesn't do nothin'. Sheriff's Dept. doesn't do nothin'. The judges just don't do anything, so move to Poplar Bluff and you're scott free. You can do whatever you want and get away with it.