Speak Out 9/4/15
We need to
fight for rights
Speak Out, I totally agree with the person in Speak Out Aug. 23rd, 2015. Why is it always Social Security is running out for those have worked for it over the welfare system? Why not pick on welfare? And also I never heard anything on SSI. Those people never worked and hundreds never ever mention that. I say cut out welfare and SSI, It's really disheartening to know that us working class of people will lose our checks or get a big cut. This should be unacceptable! I think our Congress is making a very big mistake. They want us to go down without a fight.
Oh, yes, ask the bank how many people out number SSI over Social Security. More people are on SSI whether they worked or not. There are more druggies and alcoholics on checks so they can just keep buying more.
Also, we who have to pay property taxes no kids or grandkids in the schools and ones coming in are at least having more kids don't have anything to pay taxes. We're the ones who are paying our taxes so all of these kids can have bigger and better schools. No matter how we vote, they still get their way. Why not make these parents or single mothers pay a fee for their kids to have all these schools? We are getting tax poor from schools and it's really getting sick.
And I thank you, Speak Out, for taking my message. I hope you print this. Please. I think the city and county should know about these things and if they don't already we need to fight for our rights, too.