Pastor: Civilized groups retain God
Since God has been expelled from most American culture, things have gone terribly wrong. I wonder if the liberals that facilitated this change recognize their connection with the sick society that we all live in today. Civilized societies retain God in their private and public affairs. Heathen people lean on their own (miserable) understanding. Many parents do not want the responsibility of properly rearing their children. Satan is happy to do the babysitting. He now owns and controls the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of many of our youth. The teachings of discipline, personal responsibility and respect for honorable character are gone from much of society. It is now time to pay our dues, and the price is terrible.
Pornography, child abuse and murder, drug addiction and school massacres are common practice. Like the 911 events, people blame God for all the bad in society. God is love and Satan is evil. God did not skyjack airplanes and cause horrific damage with them. God has not cause massacres. Some people think Harry Potter and Bantam Books and movies create an atmosphere of hate and (justifiable?) revenge. I've not seen them and cannot speak definitively. For sure, these imaginary, super natural characters are worshipped and promoted everywhere, including public schools. Much television programming and movie entertainment is given to witchcraft and other powers of darkness. If we had as much devotion to the Holy Bible as to destruction icons of life, we would live in a safe and happy land.
In places such as Aurora, Colo., countless parents have taken or have sent their children to dark, midnight hellholes, while children of responsible households were at home, safe in their beds.
Some say James Holmes is mentally ill. I think he is also demon possessed. Some blame should go to our reckless, Godless society that has set the stage.
I feel sorrowful when I say, theatre and worship massacres are the latest trend of many to come. Copycat attempts have already appeared. The scheme is to target large, unexpecting crowds of people, where the most death and carnage will occur. Less remorse is shown for killing multiple persons than was shown for stealing a cookie, not too long ago.
As tragic and heart-wrenching as these events are, I must ask liberal America, "What did you expect? How could you have hoped for anything different?" Does a Godless society truly think the glorification, and in some cases the worship, of a satanic culture is just innocent fun that comes and goes with no hurtful repercussions?
Larry Jordan,
Pastor Calvary G. B. Church Poplar Bluff, Mo.