Speak Out 5/14/12

Monday, May 14, 2012


of our elderly

I want to say a few things about the older people nowadays. If they are over 70 years old, the hospitals, the nursing homes, they don't try to help 'em. All they try to do is make 'em comfortable. Even in the hospitals now all they do is let them sit there or lay there and they try to keep them comfortable. Even the doctors. They just want to get 'em through and get them out. They don't care if make it or not. It seems to me anyway. I just wish there was somebody who could go in there and knock some sense into their heads. They're human beings just like younger people are. They got just enough right to live as anybody else does and it's just wrong to just let 'em lay there. Our hospitals in this town are that way. I seen it with my own eyes. I think it's horrible! It's probably the same way in all the hospitals, but I just wish something that could be done about it. Slap some sense into somebody's head or something. Thank you for listening to me. Have a good day.

Party on

Speak Out: Why is there so much amazement over the behavior of the advanced party of Secret Service agents in Columbia or the irresponsible partying of the GSA? The mood of a company or a government entity is set by the leader, whether that be a president, general manager, governor or mayor. While Obama is not a womanizer, or a big party guy, he surely takes advantage of extensive luxury travel, making a speech a week in a different city; or sending his wife, daughter and friend on a lavish vacation. All of this at tab payers' expense. He has further demonstrated his lack of spending concern by the fact that he has not secured a budget in over three years or attempted in any way to cut government spending. That's the example he is setting and the results are what you see in the news. Party on.