Speak Out 4/5/12
letter right on
Hello. I'm calling concerning Mr. Sappington's letter in Thursday's "Daily American Republic." I am a resident of Sheehy Mobile Home Park and I agree 100 percent with his letter. Some of my neighbors are in their 80s and 90s and this mess has caused several health issues. We have been misled by the developer for over three years and would appreciate some straight talk. Thank you.
McCaskill is
good politician
Yes, I'm looking at the March 27th edition of the DAR and one of the headlines is "60 % of Donors for McCaskill not from Missouri." Well, this shouldn't be a surprise to us since in her first election over Sen. Talent, she brought in a nationally known celebrity by the name of Michael J. Fox to intervene without his Parkinson's medication. By the way, to seek sympathy and support for her campaign against Sen. Talent. This is how she operates. She played us like a fiddle --an old fiddle and she won and it's probably not fair , but you know what? She's a, I've got to hand it so her, she's a good politician. I won't vote for her. I never have, but she's a good politician.