Speak Out 2/22/12
Glad Strenfel
didn't budge
I know this won't be printed, but here we go anyway. I'm glad to see that Ed Strenfel did not bow down to the DAR. They just can't do him the way they did Sam Gilmore. Ed Strenfel is a good man and he would make a good sheriff. He would not do anything that he thinks is wrong. So, if you'd like to print this, print it. The DAR does some bad stuff. Thank you.
Caller needs
to sober up
Yeah, in response to "Overcome the Devil's Power," it sounds like the person should have stayed in bed and maybe sobered up.
avoid Topix
I would like to address this comment to Christians. No one else has to read this. I don't want to impose upon anybody's freedom of speech or any freedom they think they may have, but I would like to call upon local Christians to avoid the Internet forum called, "Topix." I was told about this Internet forum. Was told it was like a local community chat. I thought that would be nice except "Topix" is many things, but it is not nice. It is vulgar. It is mean. It is spiteful. It is the grownup version of kids writing nasty things about each other on the bathroom wall. It is people talking about each other's mothers and grandmothers in a derogatory way, calling total strangers filthy names and making assumptions about their socio-economic level, about their birth place, about whether their parents' were married, assuming that everyone who responds to Topics is on welfare. It is a terrible, terrible thing. Lately, I was told that one of my dearest friends who passed away had several threads written about her. This is just mean and hurtful. This is a kind dear person who never would harm a fly. Total strangers are writing terrible things about this person. I want all Christians to avoid Topics. Think of it this way--W.W.J.D.--What Would Jesus Do? Jesus would delete. That's what Jesus would do. Thank you.
Homes are to
be lived in
Ladies, are you really living in your home or trying to keep things fixed up for others to see when they visit so they can go out and say how nice and how pretty that it is at their place and compare it with others? You only live now and home is for you and your family to enjoy together and your style is yours and not to please others. They have theirs. I knew a lady, a husband and some children who made me see how important this is. Their home wasn't spotless. It can't be completely spotless with children, but it can be clean. When you left their home, you felt good. You could see they enjoyed each other and they enjoyed their company and doing things together. That's the way God intended it to be. Men, this also applies to some of your ideas and that you probably need some changing also. Examine your lives. Time with family and your wants can be changed. God bless.
C'mon DAR
do your job
What's happening with you, DAR? We get three arrests on drug charges in Stoddard County for possessing paraphernalia and the like -- nothing, but nothing shows up in the paper. Particularly when one of the people caught in the act was from Butler County. C'mon, I thought you're a paper of record. Where's your newsworthiness? As they say, "Inquiring minds want to know" more. It sure shows that at least the merchants and the drug enforcement group in our area is actually doing their job, but then when the public doesn't see the good acts of others in bringing these scum to justice and you're not reporting it sure doesn't help things as far as spreading the word that crime doesn't pay. C'mon, DAR, you can do a better job. We're expecting it of ya.
(Editor's Note: In Butler County we send a reporter to the sheriff and police departments to check reports every day. We don't have the manpower to do that in all of our surrounding counties. If something big happens in these counties we would have to hear of it from a source or the originating agency would have to contact us.)