Speak Out 12/1/11
Road paving
is forgotten
Hi. I was calling about the new hospital that we are getting. I think that's just great. And, all the new shopping places we are going to have. I think that is just great, too. It will save trips to Cape Girardeau as far as I'm concerned. I would like to speak about the roads--the county roads. What ever happened to the our tax money that we voted for several years ago to pave the roads, at least some of the roads every few years in the county. I wonder what happened to the tax money? And, why nothing is ever mentioned about paving any county roads? But, still they start new projects. Like down by the factory that new road that's going to come through from down at the factory and break through on 67. It's gets a little irritating with me to come home from church and hear the mud slushing up underneath my car on my CR 482. I was just wondering if they have any plans to ever pave anymore county roads? I wonder what those big shots from St. Louis think about our muddy county roads and no improvements or anything. Maybe once in a while they'll dump a load of gravel along it or something like that, but first rain why it washes it off. So, I was just wondering about that. We had the money. And, then, we had no money. What happened to our tax money that we voted in pave the county roads? Of course, I know they couldn't pave them all at one time, but even just one a year would be encouraging. I thank you for listening to me and just really am thrilled that the hospital is coming and the shopping and all that. But, please, talk to the county about paving at least one county road a year. Okay? Thank you.
Defend the US
while it's ours
A question has been raised by a couple of fellows says Fox News -- one of them a Congressman, I believe--concerning the killing of a dedicated Muslim by the name of al-Awlaki, who was born in America. The question concerns the American Constitution's rule that no citizen shall be punished without due process. America faces an extraordinary situation today. al-Awlaki is an extraordinary traitor to his country. Muslim terrorists who claim no country need to know that America is willing to let its own Constitution slide a bit in order to defend itself. After all, there are thousands of Americans who think our Constitution is only a rag anyway. Moreover, in addition to terrorists' Mydee Clubs, there are at least a thousand, thousand Communists in this country who are in some way dedicated to the downfall of America. We do have some lopsided thinkers who believe America should wait for a perfect war. Whatever that is? Before taking out people who as Puttock says, "Sail across the seas only change their skies not their souls." If we take out our enemy, we can still return to the rule of our Constitution. If our country is blown off the map, we certainly have lost big time. Thank you.
I like
Irma Epps
Just reading in Speak Out where somebody's complaining about Irma Epps' articles. I just can't believe it. It's like the ones who didn't like the smiling children in the paper. That brings sunshine to you to see a child smile. And, Irma, I don't know how old she is, but I got a feeling she's about my age. We lived through the Depression and things and she has so many stories to tell -- one about making the gardens over in one of the foreign countries. And I start reading the articles and I say, this is Irma. Please, Irma, don't be offended by that one person probably one of those they call the "Baby Boomers" or whatever and they don't really like the plain, good news. Maybe they thought times were hard, but there were good times, too. And then, just to read it brings back memories--I think she was just a little bit better off than we were, but times were so hard but all seemed like kinfolks back then and now to think that somebody doesn't like to read one of those articles I can't understand it. Some of the books they read. I guess that's what they like. But, please, Irma, keep writing and please, paper, keep printin' 'em. As I said I'm of that age and I get comfort from reading 'em and I hope she's well.
Response to
'hey, old vet'
Hello, I'm calling about the "Hey Old Vet, The Gays are Here." I would like him to realize that . . . he must believe in the Bible, but yet he believes that the gays are supposed to be sure and practice their evil. If you really believe in the Bible, God bless you, you would never have said that. And as far as the world progressing, no. Got news for him. It's going backwards. And, truly, I hope he does live long enough to, as he told the old-timer whatever time he had left in this world. I hope this man lives long enough to realize what a terrible world he really is living in. This is not a good world anymore and it will never be. Open your eyes, Mr. Whatever-your-name-was, I don't know. Any way, I'm glad I had my said so, say so. And I'm happy I was raised in the Beaver World -- I liked "Leave it to Beaver." But, this world, no. No, it's gettin' . . . . well, you'll find out one day and I hope soon. Thank you.