Speak Out 10/24/11
Local craft
store needed
Yes, I agree with the person who said we need a craft store in town. We need a Hobby Lobby. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you.
Why raise taxes on tobacco,
not alcohol?
Dear Speakout:
It amazes me that there always seems to always be a push on to raise taxes on cigarettes. The claim is always the same that tobacco products causes illness in the user as well as others in the area of the smoke. No doubt tobacco can be of some health problem to some smokers, but, it doesn't come close to the problems alcohol causes. Many people are killed or maimed daily due to drunk drivers or by people who are simply impaired by alcohol.
How many families do without the food and other things they need due to a spouse spending most of their income on booze? No telling how many women have been beaten by a drunken spouse. Alcohol causes a lot more problems than tobacco products, yet, there never seems to be anyone in government who wants to raise taxes on alcohol. Could it be that alcohol producers buy off our government representatives or are they just all boozers? I think it is time that the public insists that large tax increases be put on alcohol to deter its use. Problems caused by alcohol far outweigh tobacco.
I have yet to see a smoker passed out on the ground, throwing up all over the place or trying to beat someone up due to tobacco.