Beechwell General Baptist Church turns 150
Beechwell General Baptist Church in Campbell will celebrate its 150th anniversary on Sunday. According to church member, Jennifer Krepps, Beechwell is the oldest General Baptist Church in Dunklin County. It was once known as the “mother church” to all area General Baptist churches. The church was originally founded in September of 1869 by Bro. Alonzo Fowler, Bro. J.T. Davis, the first pastor and 19 other church members. The church was named Beechwell because of a grove of beech trees at the foot of the sand hill on the site. The original log and frame structure was built shorty after the church was organized in 1869 and was later destroyed by fire. Beechwell Church moved to its present location at 38220 State Highway H in Campbell in 1922. Five years later, that structure also succumbed to a fire. The building was rebuilt and expanded in 1953 and 1967. Dedication of a new sanctuary was held in September 1973. Bro. Gary Long is the current pastor of Beechwell General Baptist Church. Lunch will follow the Sunday morning service. An anniversary celebration is set for 1:30 p.m. Sunday featuring the Krepps family in concert.